"The best way to get people interested in a new book is to get them talking about it," says Crilley, author of three previous books. "And the best way to stimulate conversation about a book is to ensure that a lot of people have ready access to that book." The publishing company, APIX, obviously agrees with this strategy, for it has authorized the 2000 free copies of the e-Book version to go on a first-come-first-served basis. http://www.freephotoshopbook.com/
25 Essential Photoshop Moves is currently being sold in print form for $47 and as a download (e-Book) for $38. The 176 page full color volume contains twenty-five individual tutorials, tasks and skillsets that the author suggests should be standard fare for a competent Photoshop user. Not aimed at the absolute beginner, the book slides into the frame somewhere between novice and intermediate, the knowledge within being targeted more at the semi-experienced professional or the eager student.
As the author puts it; "If I had to hire a Temp to do my job, I would insist that they knew their way around Photoshop, and these are the things I'd expect them to know. Making rudimentary selections, putting a blue sky into an image, that sort of thing." He adds that in his experience, many so-called professionals are remiss in some of these areas. "Once you can do everything in 25 Essential Photoshop Moves, you're hired!"
Of course the obvious question is why would any sane company offer a $38 book for nothing?
"Supermarkets regularly have free sample giveaways of new products," a spokesperson for APIX said, "and this is no different...except that instead of a few free chapters, we're giving away the whole thing."
And by all accounts it's a sound concept. APIX is a new company, formed in 2004, with several other book titles on the market, and at least two additional titles due for release in the next few months. "By giving away these copies, we're ensuring a solid readership base for this title and author, which is good for exposure, while at the same time garnering reviews and feedback from a wide sector of the target market." An additional benefit, the spokesperson suggested, could be a widening of that target market. "Many recipients of the free book may not have been potential purchasers of the title initially, which means we could gain access to a whole new market."
So where can budding Photoshop professionals get this free book? Log onto http://www.freephotoshopbook.com/ and once the 25mb 'sample' has been downloaded and digested, expect an email from the publishers requesting feedback.