Thanks to the internet, there is now a huge potential of freelancing work. Not only part time programmers, designers and writers can benefit from this but also people can make it a full time profession and can earn money from home by working in their own style. The best way to maintain a steady stream of work is to register with freelancing boards which provides a common portal to both Buyers and Providers. Below is the description of how these job portal works for both Providers and Buyers.
* A freelancing job board is a place where buyers frequently outsource their work or a chunk of their project which could be anything from a small scale work to a full time project. The basic concept of almost all the job boards is same with little modification of rules and payment methods. Here is the step wise procedure of how it works.
* Buyer will register with these freelancing job portals after accepting their terms and conditions.
* Buyer will post a job in a specific category with all the descriptions, attachments and requirement of the project.
* Buyer will specify the times lines until the bids on that particular project can be placed.
* Provider will register with these freelancing job portals after accepting their terms and conditions.
* Depending on the expertise of a provider, he will look for suitable jobs in his specific categories.
* Since it's a reverse auction style, provider after finding his suitable job will bid on that project.
With his bid, he will include the amount, duration and his proposal of "How the job will be performed".
* As soon as the bid is placed, Buyer will be notified that someone has placed a bid on his project.
* Among all the bidders, Buyer will select the most suitable bidder after evaluating the proposal, time duration and cost of the project.
* The selected bidder will be awarded the job and after he accepts it, the project will start and emails will be exchanged for further communication.
* If a project is big, then the milestones will be defined and payment will be released based on the completion of these milestones as agreed.
* To solve the payment issues, best way is to escrow the payment which saves both buyer and provider from any possible conflict and fraud.
* Complete payment will be released after the project has been completed up to the satisfaction of buyer.
* Both buyer and provider will be able to provide a feedback for each other which helps buyer in getting future project and provider in getting good freelancers for future project. This is the tool which is establishing your reputation as a freelancer.
Charles J William is the marketing manager at freelancing website - - It provides a platform where buyers and providers can meet. Projects are posted by users requiring work and freelance providers can bid offering their services. Its FREE to sign up and can provide substantial income for freelancers and quality skilled work for users.