Freelancing has become one of the major professions for almost everyone! With the beginning of 2010, many freelancers are planning to chalk out their new strategies and goals for the year. So before setting an agenda for this New Year take a look at some quick steps that can be useful for making the career successful.
Profile completeness
Profile is important for increasing chances of getting freelance jobs It is a prerequisite for the freelancers to acquire more freelance jobs and to become an established web worker. Profile works as a resume as it includes essential information, which a buyer would be interested in knowing before finalizing a provider for his project. An online profile has all the relevant information about skill sets, education, certification, recommendations and work experience.
Online skill tests
Online skill tests are also available online across a wide range of categories. These skill tests scores can be displayed online on profiles or portfolios. A buyer might get impressed with this and award with the project. So to win over the attention of buyers, the freelancers need to take the online skill test in their area of expertise as certified service providers manage to get access to some real good projects faster.
Education & credentials verified
Getting skill tests verified can be a great of winning a freelance projects and they have an edge over unverified credentials. Buyers always look out for genuine providers with authenticated skills to outsource their projects to them. Having a profile containing a verification seal brighten the chances of winning a freelance job simply and immediately.
Participate in Q&A
This works as a knowledge sharing platform as it allows a user to share, learn and ask questions to build a network with the people in same domain. A user can raise a query, answer questions, and share knowledge with people from across the globe. This helps in improving skill sets, connecting with people from similar of different areas of freelancing business.
Promote your profile
Marketing and promoting an online profile is another important requirement of freelancers across the globe. Join the affiliation programs online, refer friends and earn through activity they would perform on the platform. Also, earn money while showcasing profile link, portfolio, certifications and earnings on different websites.
Analyze these suggestions and utilize the most required for you to enhance you freelancing career. Please share your feedback and comments as always.
Alina, a competent result oriented freelance professional and consultant with more than 4 years of extensive experience in Content writing and website development. Write articles on varied topics such as freelancing, trends, freelance project, market, jobs, resources etc.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Freelancing Tips - Handling the Difficult Clients by Adnan Akramz
The world of business spins around clients and customers. This rule applies to all kind of business, whether it consists of large factories or it is about some small house based business. Whether it is about products or it is about services, the focus of the business remains upon the customers. From all those customers, depending upon the nature of business that you run, you can have many customers that are quite difficult to handle at certain times.
Since clients are the back bones of business industries, we work on making different strategies that that not only bring in the proper customers for pour business but also keep our old customers loyal to us. The level of our business is measured by the amount of clients that we acquire. If we have a large number of customers, our business will be considered to be successful, on the contrary if the business do not have the sufficient amount of customers it has no other option except shutting down its functions.
From all the functioning of business authorities and business jobs, the most important one is customer services that are made with the sole purpose of facilitating the customer and listening to the complaints if there are any among them. Further more the designs of our products and the way we conduct our business, the prices we set all such decisions are made after keeping our customers and their pleasure in sight.
In order to keep the customers happy in the business of freelancing here are a few rules that can prove to be helpful. The most important one is keeping your self cool. There are customers that can be very irritated and can just call and start shouting at you, well, you will have to wait unless they are not over with what ever they say. Once they are finished you can ask them about there problem. If there problem is solved significantly, despite of their irritation, they would prefer coming to you.
Since in online business we only have to receive the complaints via emails, and we do not have to face our customers directly, we should devote good amount of time in sorting out the problem of our customer and see carefully what can we do in order to solve out their problems.
If your customer is complaining for nothing you can just consult your contract and then explain the customer about the misunderstanding that has been developed between you and your client, these freelancing tips will help you a lot.
Since clients are the back bones of business industries, we work on making different strategies that that not only bring in the proper customers for pour business but also keep our old customers loyal to us. The level of our business is measured by the amount of clients that we acquire. If we have a large number of customers, our business will be considered to be successful, on the contrary if the business do not have the sufficient amount of customers it has no other option except shutting down its functions.
From all the functioning of business authorities and business jobs, the most important one is customer services that are made with the sole purpose of facilitating the customer and listening to the complaints if there are any among them. Further more the designs of our products and the way we conduct our business, the prices we set all such decisions are made after keeping our customers and their pleasure in sight.
In order to keep the customers happy in the business of freelancing here are a few rules that can prove to be helpful. The most important one is keeping your self cool. There are customers that can be very irritated and can just call and start shouting at you, well, you will have to wait unless they are not over with what ever they say. Once they are finished you can ask them about there problem. If there problem is solved significantly, despite of their irritation, they would prefer coming to you.
Since in online business we only have to receive the complaints via emails, and we do not have to face our customers directly, we should devote good amount of time in sorting out the problem of our customer and see carefully what can we do in order to solve out their problems.
If your customer is complaining for nothing you can just consult your contract and then explain the customer about the misunderstanding that has been developed between you and your client, these freelancing tips will help you a lot.
Tips fοr Keeping Yουr Blog Up tο Date
Keeping a blog up tο date іѕ one οf thе mοѕt іmрοrtаnt aspects οf blogging. Thіѕ іѕ ѕο іmрοrtаnt bесаυѕе regular blog visitors expect nеw postings οn a regular basis. Nοt аƖƖ visitors expect tο see a nеw post аѕ οftеn аѕ once a day bυt mοѕt blog readers expect thе content οn thе blog tο bе updated οn a regular basis. In mοѕt cases visitors expect nеw content οn аt Ɩеаѕt a weekly basis. Hοwеνеr, depending οn thе subject matter thе visitors mау expect updates οn a basis whісh іѕ еіthеr more frequent. Similarly visitors mау nοt bе interested іn receiving thіѕ type οf information more thаn a few times a year. Blog owners ѕhουƖԁ bе aware οf thе frequency οf whісh readers expect nеw posts аnԁ ѕhουƖԁ mаkе аn effort tο oblige thе readers wіth updates thіѕ οftеn. Thіѕ article wіƖƖ discuss methods fοr keeping a blog up tο date including scheduling a regular time tο post blogs, using publishing tools wisely аnԁ hiring guest bloggers whеn necessary.
Finding Time tο Post Daily
One way tο hеƖр tο ensure a blog remains up tο date іѕ tο schedule time tο post blogs οn a daily basis. Thіѕ іѕ especially іmрοrtаnt whеn blog readers expect nеw posts οn a daily basis οr аt Ɩеаѕt several times per week. Bloggers whο allot a specific block οf time each day tο researching, writing аnԁ publishing blogs аrе more ƖіkеƖу tο hаνе a blog whісh іѕ up tο date thаn bloggers whο рƖаn οn accomplishing tasks whеn thеу find time tο ԁο ѕο. Thеrе mау still bе days іn whісh thе blogger іѕ unable tο publish a nеw post οn thе blog bυt thеѕе days wіƖƖ bе less frequent thаn іf thе blogger ԁοеѕ nοt hаνе a block οf time strictly dedicated tο keeping thе blog up tο date.
On days іn whісh thе blog іѕ unable tο devote time tο blogging, thе blogger mау wish tο аt Ɩеаѕt publish a short message explaining whу іt wаѕ nοt possible tο post a nеw blog entry. Thіѕ wіƖƖ Ɩеt readers know уου аrе aware οf thеіr desire tο read more information bυt аrе simply unable tο publish a nеw blog post. Aѕ long аѕ thіѕ ԁοеѕ nοt become a regular occurrence, blog visitors аrе nοt ƖіkеƖу tο ѕtοр viewing a blog simply bесаυѕе thе blogger skips a day οr two.
Taking Advantage οf Publishing Tools
Sοmе blog publishing tools enable bloggers tο write blog posts ahead οf time аnԁ specify whеn each post ѕhουƖԁ bе published. Thіѕ іѕ аn ехсеƖƖеnt feature fοr bloggers whο want tο publish nеw posts daily bυt аrе unable tο dedicate time each day tο writing blog posts. Thіѕ way thе blogger саn dedicate a block οf time each week tο write blog posts аnԁ hаνе thе posts published throughout thе week. Thіѕ іѕ οftеn аn easier method fοr many bloggers bесаυѕе thеу аrе аbƖе tο bе more efficient thіѕ way.
Hiring Guest Bloggers
Bloggers mау аƖѕο want tο consider hiring guest bloggers tο аѕѕіѕt thеm іn keeping a blog up tο date. Thіѕ саn bе a worthwhile method fοr bloggers whο аrе nοt οnƖу having difficulty keeping thеіr blog up tο date bυt аrе аƖѕο interested іn providing readers wіth a ƖіttƖе variety. Hοwеνеr, blog owners whο opt fοr thіѕ message οf keeping thеіr blog up tο date ѕhουƖԁ carefully consider hοw thе dedicated blog readers wіƖƖ react tο thіѕ change. Thіѕ іѕ іmрοrtаnt bесаυѕе ѕοmе readers mау nοt bе interested іn reading blogs written bу a guest blogger. Therefore thе υѕе οf a guest blogger саn actually bе more detrimental tο thе blog thаn nοt updating thе blog regularly. Bloggers саn gauge reader reaction tο thе υѕе οf guest bloggers іn a couple οf different ways. Thе simplest аnԁ mοѕt straight forward method іѕ tο poll thе readers аbουt thе υѕе οf guest bloggers. Thіѕ саn bе done bу asking readers tο comment οn thе issue аnԁ tabulating thе comments received. Another method tο gauge reader reaction іѕ tο introduce a guest blogger аnԁ compare thе traffic thе guest blogger receives tο thе traffic thе blog owner receives.
Abουt thе Author:
Discover hοw tο attract enormous amounts οf traffic аnԁ build уουr list fοr FREE! Click HERE tο sign up now!
Elijah Chai
Managing Director
Success Engineers LLP
Finding Time tο Post Daily
One way tο hеƖр tο ensure a blog remains up tο date іѕ tο schedule time tο post blogs οn a daily basis. Thіѕ іѕ especially іmрοrtаnt whеn blog readers expect nеw posts οn a daily basis οr аt Ɩеаѕt several times per week. Bloggers whο allot a specific block οf time each day tο researching, writing аnԁ publishing blogs аrе more ƖіkеƖу tο hаνе a blog whісh іѕ up tο date thаn bloggers whο рƖаn οn accomplishing tasks whеn thеу find time tο ԁο ѕο. Thеrе mау still bе days іn whісh thе blogger іѕ unable tο publish a nеw post οn thе blog bυt thеѕе days wіƖƖ bе less frequent thаn іf thе blogger ԁοеѕ nοt hаνе a block οf time strictly dedicated tο keeping thе blog up tο date.
On days іn whісh thе blog іѕ unable tο devote time tο blogging, thе blogger mау wish tο аt Ɩеаѕt publish a short message explaining whу іt wаѕ nοt possible tο post a nеw blog entry. Thіѕ wіƖƖ Ɩеt readers know уου аrе aware οf thеіr desire tο read more information bυt аrе simply unable tο publish a nеw blog post. Aѕ long аѕ thіѕ ԁοеѕ nοt become a regular occurrence, blog visitors аrе nοt ƖіkеƖу tο ѕtοр viewing a blog simply bесаυѕе thе blogger skips a day οr two.
Taking Advantage οf Publishing Tools
Sοmе blog publishing tools enable bloggers tο write blog posts ahead οf time аnԁ specify whеn each post ѕhουƖԁ bе published. Thіѕ іѕ аn ехсеƖƖеnt feature fοr bloggers whο want tο publish nеw posts daily bυt аrе unable tο dedicate time each day tο writing blog posts. Thіѕ way thе blogger саn dedicate a block οf time each week tο write blog posts аnԁ hаνе thе posts published throughout thе week. Thіѕ іѕ οftеn аn easier method fοr many bloggers bесаυѕе thеу аrе аbƖе tο bе more efficient thіѕ way.
Hiring Guest Bloggers
Bloggers mау аƖѕο want tο consider hiring guest bloggers tο аѕѕіѕt thеm іn keeping a blog up tο date. Thіѕ саn bе a worthwhile method fοr bloggers whο аrе nοt οnƖу having difficulty keeping thеіr blog up tο date bυt аrе аƖѕο interested іn providing readers wіth a ƖіttƖе variety. Hοwеνеr, blog owners whο opt fοr thіѕ message οf keeping thеіr blog up tο date ѕhουƖԁ carefully consider hοw thе dedicated blog readers wіƖƖ react tο thіѕ change. Thіѕ іѕ іmрοrtаnt bесаυѕе ѕοmе readers mау nοt bе interested іn reading blogs written bу a guest blogger. Therefore thе υѕе οf a guest blogger саn actually bе more detrimental tο thе blog thаn nοt updating thе blog regularly. Bloggers саn gauge reader reaction tο thе υѕе οf guest bloggers іn a couple οf different ways. Thе simplest аnԁ mοѕt straight forward method іѕ tο poll thе readers аbουt thе υѕе οf guest bloggers. Thіѕ саn bе done bу asking readers tο comment οn thе issue аnԁ tabulating thе comments received. Another method tο gauge reader reaction іѕ tο introduce a guest blogger аnԁ compare thе traffic thе guest blogger receives tο thе traffic thе blog owner receives.
Abουt thе Author:
Discover hοw tο attract enormous amounts οf traffic аnԁ build уουr list fοr FREE! Click HERE tο sign up now!
Elijah Chai
Managing Director
Success Engineers LLP
Monday, June 21, 2010
Make Money Using Your Freelance Skills by Harry Durran
There is no room for error and 99 percent of employers in this field are looking for English writers. So, you either have to be a native, or be very fluent in English as a foreign speaker and writer (like it is my case). If you know that you are not a good English speaker you shouldn't consider this as an option. If you can write perfect English articles, the next thing that you have to do is go online and look for a freelancing site. There are a couple of very good ones with a lot of buyers (or employers) that you can find easily and those are the ones that you are looking for. The registering is free and the sites are very simple to use, so you should not have any problem with that.
Even before starting to look for projects that you can work on, it would be a good idea to have 10-15 400 word articles written as a portfolio. Choose different subjects for each one and base the articles upon using a couple of keywords in each one. Include one main keyword in the title as well and make sure that the title is interesting and intriguing so that any reader keeps reading the articles you write until the end. Make sure to use the keywords at least a couple of times, but do not overdo it as you can't have too many keywords in the same article.
After you established this portfolio (it is optional, but you will have more chances of getting a project) you can start looking for project that you think you can handle. It is a very good idea to actually have a small project at first but it is also important to provide with good quality articles so that the employer will give you some more. If you are really good and provide with the articles on time, the employer or buyer will keep working with you on a regular basis. Basically you will become their unofficial employee.
This is all that you need to do to become a freelance writer and get paid for writing. There are some things that you need to avoid. First of all, you have to avoid getting projects on subjects that you have never even heard about. It will be difficult to start studying about a particular subject and also provide with the articles on time. You will lose a lot of time and money with such projects, so I would recommend sticking with projects that have a more common subject. In the end, make sure to always have unique articles and to strictly follow the buyer's guidelines for any given project. If you do this, you'll find paid freelance writing both easy to come by, and easy to continue.
Regardless of whether you're looking to make a career out of writing for money or just looking to get paid for writing on the side as something extra, your options are endless. Just make sure you do some research on the person or company you've agreed to write for to ensure it's a legitimate offer and not someone who is going to take your writing and run.
Even before starting to look for projects that you can work on, it would be a good idea to have 10-15 400 word articles written as a portfolio. Choose different subjects for each one and base the articles upon using a couple of keywords in each one. Include one main keyword in the title as well and make sure that the title is interesting and intriguing so that any reader keeps reading the articles you write until the end. Make sure to use the keywords at least a couple of times, but do not overdo it as you can't have too many keywords in the same article.
After you established this portfolio (it is optional, but you will have more chances of getting a project) you can start looking for project that you think you can handle. It is a very good idea to actually have a small project at first but it is also important to provide with good quality articles so that the employer will give you some more. If you are really good and provide with the articles on time, the employer or buyer will keep working with you on a regular basis. Basically you will become their unofficial employee.
This is all that you need to do to become a freelance writer and get paid for writing. There are some things that you need to avoid. First of all, you have to avoid getting projects on subjects that you have never even heard about. It will be difficult to start studying about a particular subject and also provide with the articles on time. You will lose a lot of time and money with such projects, so I would recommend sticking with projects that have a more common subject. In the end, make sure to always have unique articles and to strictly follow the buyer's guidelines for any given project. If you do this, you'll find paid freelance writing both easy to come by, and easy to continue.
Regardless of whether you're looking to make a career out of writing for money or just looking to get paid for writing on the side as something extra, your options are endless. Just make sure you do some research on the person or company you've agreed to write for to ensure it's a legitimate offer and not someone who is going to take your writing and run.
Things You Should Know If You Plan To Become A Freelancer by Sampath Wijeratne
Freelancing has become the main source of income for many people around the world. It has become popular as it gives a big freedom for the freelancer. A freelancer doesn't need to work under someone else and the boss is himself/herself. He/she decides what to do and when to do. But there are certain things that you must be aware of if you are planning to become a freelancer. I will explain one by one which I feel that you must be aware of before stepping into the freelancing field.
The most important thing is that you must have a sound knowledge on the subject that you are planning to get freelancing jobs. For an example, if you plan to become a freelancer in software development, you must have a thorough knowledge in one or more programming languages and other related technologies. Otherwise there is a great chance that you will lose the project and your membership on the freelancing site and your reputation. And definitely you will lose your career as soon as you start. Therefore you must gain a sound knowledge in the relevant area before you step into freelancing even how much you are impatient.
Let's assume that you have gained a sound knowledge on the area that you plan to become a freelancer and you are ready to start your career as a freelancer. Next thing you must do is identifying your scope. It means, you must have a good understanding on your strengths and weaknesses. You must try to overcome your weaknesses if possible. And you must also have a good skill of time management as it will definitely play a major role in your freelancing career. If you are not confident about time management, you must do a research in the internet and learn the basics.
Now you are ready to start your career. The next thing you must do is, finding a freelancing offer. The easiest and efficient way is finding a website which provides freelance offers. You will find many if you do a Google search. Some of them ask you to pay for your membership. Some provide free registration. You can choose any option. But before registering, you must read their payment policies and other related legal conditions. You have to make sure that you are properly paid without any cheating, safely. Most websites charge a percentage of your bid on the project as a commission. You have to agree with it as it is very hard to find good projects by your own. is a good website according to my personal view. But you might not find projects which suits your area of expertise. There are many websites that you can go.
You have become a member of a freelancing website now and ready to bid on projects. First thing you must do is, read the project description and understand its requirements and decide whether you can complete it 100%. If you are not clear on something, contact the project owner and clarify your doubts and problems before bidding. Many websites provide message facilities between the freelancer and the job owner. Use it. If you are confident that you can bet on the project, then don't go for a higher bet at the first time. You must build a good recognition in the community first. Don't care much about your income from the first few projects. The most important thing is winning a bid. And keep in mind to use a professional way of communication with the project owner. And always, always deliver the 100% completed project on time or before the dead line. This will increase your recognition.
If you follow these guidelines, you will definitely start your freelancing career with a good start. Always keep in mind that you must be honest with your projects. Otherwise you won't be able to continue with your freelancing career for a long time. Wish you good luck in your freelancing career.
Sampath Wijeratne is the administrator and main contributor of which provides information on various topics related to the internet with free of charge. It also provide RSS subscription through a RSS link and by email. You will find more related articles in his website.
The most important thing is that you must have a sound knowledge on the subject that you are planning to get freelancing jobs. For an example, if you plan to become a freelancer in software development, you must have a thorough knowledge in one or more programming languages and other related technologies. Otherwise there is a great chance that you will lose the project and your membership on the freelancing site and your reputation. And definitely you will lose your career as soon as you start. Therefore you must gain a sound knowledge in the relevant area before you step into freelancing even how much you are impatient.
Let's assume that you have gained a sound knowledge on the area that you plan to become a freelancer and you are ready to start your career as a freelancer. Next thing you must do is identifying your scope. It means, you must have a good understanding on your strengths and weaknesses. You must try to overcome your weaknesses if possible. And you must also have a good skill of time management as it will definitely play a major role in your freelancing career. If you are not confident about time management, you must do a research in the internet and learn the basics.
Now you are ready to start your career. The next thing you must do is, finding a freelancing offer. The easiest and efficient way is finding a website which provides freelance offers. You will find many if you do a Google search. Some of them ask you to pay for your membership. Some provide free registration. You can choose any option. But before registering, you must read their payment policies and other related legal conditions. You have to make sure that you are properly paid without any cheating, safely. Most websites charge a percentage of your bid on the project as a commission. You have to agree with it as it is very hard to find good projects by your own. is a good website according to my personal view. But you might not find projects which suits your area of expertise. There are many websites that you can go.
You have become a member of a freelancing website now and ready to bid on projects. First thing you must do is, read the project description and understand its requirements and decide whether you can complete it 100%. If you are not clear on something, contact the project owner and clarify your doubts and problems before bidding. Many websites provide message facilities between the freelancer and the job owner. Use it. If you are confident that you can bet on the project, then don't go for a higher bet at the first time. You must build a good recognition in the community first. Don't care much about your income from the first few projects. The most important thing is winning a bid. And keep in mind to use a professional way of communication with the project owner. And always, always deliver the 100% completed project on time or before the dead line. This will increase your recognition.
If you follow these guidelines, you will definitely start your freelancing career with a good start. Always keep in mind that you must be honest with your projects. Otherwise you won't be able to continue with your freelancing career for a long time. Wish you good luck in your freelancing career.
Sampath Wijeratne is the administrator and main contributor of which provides information on various topics related to the internet with free of charge. It also provide RSS subscription through a RSS link and by email. You will find more related articles in his website.
Online Copywriter Blows Whistle on Internet Marketing Scam Artists
"Are Internet marketing 'gurus' just a den of thieves?"
Not exactly the type of question you'd expect to hear from an online copywriter who has made a significant amount of his income helping businesses sell products on the Internet.
But those were the words of Ryan Healy in his recent expose Internet Marketing on Life Support. The article caused quite a commotion in the blogosphere, attracting the attention of industry insiders, high profile marketers and more than 10,000 readers.
"There were so many emails and blog comments coming into my inbox," says Healy, "that I couldn't get any work done."
Why all the commotion? First, Healy dared to showcase fraudulent online activity like hidden continuity payments, lack of refunds, shady marketing and false testimonials.
But then he did what few dare to do: He named names. He described the fake wonder cures sold by one online marketer, the poor follow-through of a highly-paid Internet marketing coach and the fraudulent activities of another large internet marketing company.
"The internet has changed the business world as we know it," says Healy. "Anybody can start a website for under $10 and (with a lot of sweat equity) create a million dollar business."
But for better or worse, this power has made it easier than ever for people to deceive, manipulate and defraud the public.
"I believe there are many ethical Internet marketers who deliver fair value for a fair price…" writes Ryan in his article. "They do not engage in high-pressure sales, deceptive marketing methods, or the outright fraud I'm now aware of."
But as the Internet continues to gallop through its "wild west" days, outrageous hyped-up claims still abound. And it's up to bloggers and insiders like Healy to take a stand and help bring accountability to this rugged virtual land.
"I do my best to use ethical advertising practices to sell things to people who really need them," says Healy. "I hope my article has done a little to help clean up Internet commerce -- it truly is a wonderful marketing medium."
Ryan Healy is a direct response copywriter and information marketer. Since 2002, he has worked with 75+ clients, including Alex Mandossian, Terry Dean, and Pulte Homes. You can read Ryan Healy's industry-shaking article "Internet Marketing on Life Support" -- as well as 250 articles on business, advertising, and copywriting -- at his business growth blog.
Not exactly the type of question you'd expect to hear from an online copywriter who has made a significant amount of his income helping businesses sell products on the Internet.
But those were the words of Ryan Healy in his recent expose Internet Marketing on Life Support. The article caused quite a commotion in the blogosphere, attracting the attention of industry insiders, high profile marketers and more than 10,000 readers.
"There were so many emails and blog comments coming into my inbox," says Healy, "that I couldn't get any work done."
Why all the commotion? First, Healy dared to showcase fraudulent online activity like hidden continuity payments, lack of refunds, shady marketing and false testimonials.
But then he did what few dare to do: He named names. He described the fake wonder cures sold by one online marketer, the poor follow-through of a highly-paid Internet marketing coach and the fraudulent activities of another large internet marketing company.
"The internet has changed the business world as we know it," says Healy. "Anybody can start a website for under $10 and (with a lot of sweat equity) create a million dollar business."
But for better or worse, this power has made it easier than ever for people to deceive, manipulate and defraud the public.
"I believe there are many ethical Internet marketers who deliver fair value for a fair price…" writes Ryan in his article. "They do not engage in high-pressure sales, deceptive marketing methods, or the outright fraud I'm now aware of."
But as the Internet continues to gallop through its "wild west" days, outrageous hyped-up claims still abound. And it's up to bloggers and insiders like Healy to take a stand and help bring accountability to this rugged virtual land.
"I do my best to use ethical advertising practices to sell things to people who really need them," says Healy. "I hope my article has done a little to help clean up Internet commerce -- it truly is a wonderful marketing medium."
Ryan Healy is a direct response copywriter and information marketer. Since 2002, he has worked with 75+ clients, including Alex Mandossian, Terry Dean, and Pulte Homes. You can read Ryan Healy's industry-shaking article "Internet Marketing on Life Support" -- as well as 250 articles on business, advertising, and copywriting -- at his business growth blog.
Blogging to Benefit Your Business
Think about the last time you wanted to find more information on a type of business, product or service. Chances are you Googled it. Now think about your business. How can you make your business pop up higher when potential customers use search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and MSN?
One way is through blogs, says Rhoda Israelov, a career mentor and executive-in-residence in Butler University's College of Business. "A savvy business marketing plan involving the strategic use of a blog can move your business up in search engine listings, and is an inexpensive way of extending a personal invitation to online searchers," she says.
As a business owner you may be wondering why you need a blog, especially if your organization already has an extensive email database of customers. Israelov offers the following reasons:
* You should consider blogging because of the potential customers who have never heard of you. Search engines rank listings based on link popularity and easy-to-index regular content. Every time you blog about your business, you are increasing the information about it on the Web and therefore increasing your odds of having your listing popping up higher in a search. Blogging is the perfect complement to e-mail as a marketing tool for the beginning of the customer relationship.
* Business owners should think about a blog as a sort of online trade-show booth. Customers are looking for information or, perhaps, for a provider of a service or product. They arrive at your "booth" and, when they read something that draws their interest, they come inside the booth — meaning they "click through" to your website. At that point you'll get the chance to find out more about them and help them find out more about you. Maybe some of them will decide to stick around and do business with your company.
* The cost of generating traffic from search-engine marketing is much lower than traditional media and has the highest return on investment. According to a study by U.S. Bancorp, the cost per lead was 29 cents for search-engine marketing, 50 cents for e-mail, $1.18 for phone book advertising, $2 for banner ads, and $9.94 for direct mail. In terms of banner ads specifically, a study by Marketing Sherpa found that as many 99 percent of clicks on a search engine were for "organic results" (which includes blogging) rather than pay-per-click advertising.
* Blogging is an easier, cheaper way to have a web presence than paying a web designer to make changes, or doing the coding and uploading yourself. Blog software through companies such as WordPress, TypePad or is easy to use.
When you're ready to begin blogging for your business, Israelov suggests you practice these three points.
* Provide fresh, relevant information in your blog posts. You must provide the person searching with useful, up-to-date information. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you are establishing yourself as an expert in your field -- someone customers can trust to give them what they need.
* Imagine you're a business manager at work or someone navigating the Web on a laptop in a coffee shop, searching for information about the kind of products, services or information you offer. Now imagine they've never heard your business name. Sit down at your computer and use the search terms you believe your potential customers would likely use to see: Does your business show up? This will show you why blogging on a regular basis will help push your business higher in search-engine listings.
* If you had only eight to ten words to describe why you're passionate about what you sell, what you know or what you do, what would those words be? Write them down. This message should come across loud and clear in every blog post.
"Blogs will change business!" Business Week predicted back in May 2005. The question is: Will it change yours?
Rhoda Israelov is a career mentor and executive-in-residence in Butler University's College of Business. Her professional background includes 27 years as the first vice president of investments for Citigroup Global Markets. Her writing experience spans 30 years including 19 years as a weekly columnist for the Indianapolis Business Journal, four years as a weekly columnist for The Indianapolis Star, and regular columnist for Columbian and Radius magazines. She founded online marketing company Say It For You in 2007 to produce content for websites, newsletters and blogs. Clients are business owners, professional practitioners and organizations in Indiana and other states.
To find other Butler University experts, visit
One way is through blogs, says Rhoda Israelov, a career mentor and executive-in-residence in Butler University's College of Business. "A savvy business marketing plan involving the strategic use of a blog can move your business up in search engine listings, and is an inexpensive way of extending a personal invitation to online searchers," she says.
As a business owner you may be wondering why you need a blog, especially if your organization already has an extensive email database of customers. Israelov offers the following reasons:
* You should consider blogging because of the potential customers who have never heard of you. Search engines rank listings based on link popularity and easy-to-index regular content. Every time you blog about your business, you are increasing the information about it on the Web and therefore increasing your odds of having your listing popping up higher in a search. Blogging is the perfect complement to e-mail as a marketing tool for the beginning of the customer relationship.
* Business owners should think about a blog as a sort of online trade-show booth. Customers are looking for information or, perhaps, for a provider of a service or product. They arrive at your "booth" and, when they read something that draws their interest, they come inside the booth — meaning they "click through" to your website. At that point you'll get the chance to find out more about them and help them find out more about you. Maybe some of them will decide to stick around and do business with your company.
* The cost of generating traffic from search-engine marketing is much lower than traditional media and has the highest return on investment. According to a study by U.S. Bancorp, the cost per lead was 29 cents for search-engine marketing, 50 cents for e-mail, $1.18 for phone book advertising, $2 for banner ads, and $9.94 for direct mail. In terms of banner ads specifically, a study by Marketing Sherpa found that as many 99 percent of clicks on a search engine were for "organic results" (which includes blogging) rather than pay-per-click advertising.
* Blogging is an easier, cheaper way to have a web presence than paying a web designer to make changes, or doing the coding and uploading yourself. Blog software through companies such as WordPress, TypePad or is easy to use.
When you're ready to begin blogging for your business, Israelov suggests you practice these three points.
* Provide fresh, relevant information in your blog posts. You must provide the person searching with useful, up-to-date information. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you are establishing yourself as an expert in your field -- someone customers can trust to give them what they need.
* Imagine you're a business manager at work or someone navigating the Web on a laptop in a coffee shop, searching for information about the kind of products, services or information you offer. Now imagine they've never heard your business name. Sit down at your computer and use the search terms you believe your potential customers would likely use to see: Does your business show up? This will show you why blogging on a regular basis will help push your business higher in search-engine listings.
* If you had only eight to ten words to describe why you're passionate about what you sell, what you know or what you do, what would those words be? Write them down. This message should come across loud and clear in every blog post.
"Blogs will change business!" Business Week predicted back in May 2005. The question is: Will it change yours?
Rhoda Israelov is a career mentor and executive-in-residence in Butler University's College of Business. Her professional background includes 27 years as the first vice president of investments for Citigroup Global Markets. Her writing experience spans 30 years including 19 years as a weekly columnist for the Indianapolis Business Journal, four years as a weekly columnist for The Indianapolis Star, and regular columnist for Columbian and Radius magazines. She founded online marketing company Say It For You in 2007 to produce content for websites, newsletters and blogs. Clients are business owners, professional practitioners and organizations in Indiana and other states.
To find other Butler University experts, visit
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Three Fatal Mistakes - Destroying a New Freelancing Career by Roy D
Ask anybody whether they would like to work from home and they will nod their head even before you can say, 'but can you handle it?' The population of freelancers is increasing quite drastically as the years pass, and with the amount of 'work for hire' work available, the population will only be rising as the years pass. However, we should also consider the fact that the attrition levels in freelancing is also a matter of concern. Almost every other month we hear or see some other telecommuter giving up their comfortable confines of their homes and returning to their so called stable 9-5. Of course, not all of these cases are due to mistakes that the freelancer commits, but at least some of these situations may have been salvaged if these fatal mistakes were not committed:
Considering Freelancing to be 'Fun':
This is by far the most fatal mistake that a new freelancer can commit. A freelancing career is similar to starting your own business, where you are the owner and you are responsible for whether it works or does not. There are several responsibilities that you begin with, like determination, willingness to work, commitment and communication, etc. If you do not have these qualities and traits in you, you may ask well kiss your freelancing career a firm goodbye even before it begins.
Wanting the Big Bucks from Day One:
I wouldn't exactly blame a new freelancer if they consider themselves to be on the way for an all expenses paid trip around the world at the end of the month just because they have begun freelancing. As previously noted, freelancing is like a business, and most businesses require at least six months to two years to begin looking up and for the person to break even.
Not considering it 'Seriously':
This might be quite strange for the veterans, but another weird idea that people have is that freelancing is something that they do 'in between' or something that 'doesn't have a scope'. Of course, this might be fueled by the cultures and backgrounds that they come from - there are still some cultures and societies that think that if a person is working from home, they are basically waiting for a proper job opportunity!
Of course, there are several other mistakes that may be more fatal than these, but these are so commonly found that they may be the profession killers. It is quite necessary that a freelancer understand what they are getting into before they take the freelancing plunge. The common misconception is that freelancing is a fun job and it does not have as much of stress as an actual 9-5 Job. If you are successful in avoiding these mistakes, telecommuting can actually be pretty good for you.
Roy D is a freelance writer who provides important information about freelancing at The Freelance Resource. He also speaks about various perils of freelancing like Freelance Scams at his site.
Considering Freelancing to be 'Fun':
This is by far the most fatal mistake that a new freelancer can commit. A freelancing career is similar to starting your own business, where you are the owner and you are responsible for whether it works or does not. There are several responsibilities that you begin with, like determination, willingness to work, commitment and communication, etc. If you do not have these qualities and traits in you, you may ask well kiss your freelancing career a firm goodbye even before it begins.
Wanting the Big Bucks from Day One:
I wouldn't exactly blame a new freelancer if they consider themselves to be on the way for an all expenses paid trip around the world at the end of the month just because they have begun freelancing. As previously noted, freelancing is like a business, and most businesses require at least six months to two years to begin looking up and for the person to break even.
Not considering it 'Seriously':
This might be quite strange for the veterans, but another weird idea that people have is that freelancing is something that they do 'in between' or something that 'doesn't have a scope'. Of course, this might be fueled by the cultures and backgrounds that they come from - there are still some cultures and societies that think that if a person is working from home, they are basically waiting for a proper job opportunity!
Of course, there are several other mistakes that may be more fatal than these, but these are so commonly found that they may be the profession killers. It is quite necessary that a freelancer understand what they are getting into before they take the freelancing plunge. The common misconception is that freelancing is a fun job and it does not have as much of stress as an actual 9-5 Job. If you are successful in avoiding these mistakes, telecommuting can actually be pretty good for you.
Roy D is a freelance writer who provides important information about freelancing at The Freelance Resource. He also speaks about various perils of freelancing like Freelance Scams at his site.
Freelancing Tips to Ensure High Job Quality and Satisfaction by Tim Trice
Recently, I read an article that discussed what clients should do and be aware of before posting a job; all of which were excellent points. Freelancers can also benefit from a few guidelines so as to protect you from getting caught up in a bad deal.
Avoid those slow to respond. People get busy, no doubt. But, I'm amazed at how little some people respond to questions about their job proposals, especially when this involves a brand new website or a redesign. If a client is taking their time to respond to your questions, how do you think it will be when you get the job?
Don't assume the client knows all of the details. I've had several potential clients ask for so-and-so to be done and then appear lost when I ask them questions about their project. Regardless of what type of job you are submitting a proposal, understand you know more than the client does. Ask questions and pick their brains; you are wanting them to teach you something.
Don't settle for less pay. One of the things I love about website development is that I do not have to settle for local jobs. That being said, you must compete with fierce international competition; some of whom will work for 25% or less for what you charge. Know your rate before bidding. Even if it is over budget, send the client a proposal with your bid amount and do a follow-up a few days later. If they're interested, they will respond. You'd be surprised at how much clients under-value work. If no response after the follow-up, consider it lost. Move on.
Don't get in over your head. This almost goes hand-in-hand with #3. When you undervalue yourself to get a job, you undervalue the job. Don't settle for billing $100 to convert a website from Dreamweaver tables to a custom Wordpress theme. At the same time, don't submit a proposal to build an ecommerce system for Macy's either (unless you have the staff to do it).
Offer some enhancements. Do you like receiving bonuses for a good job? So do clients. Doing something for free has its rewards and its downfalls. But, offering a little something the client wasn't expecting can go a long way. If you're writing content, consider submitting it to some article directories or maybe even doing a press release (with the client's permission, of course). Like #2, don't assume your client knows what to do with the excellent product you've provided. Try to give them something that shows measurable benefit to them as a way of saying 'thank you'.
BONUS TIP: Don't let emotions get in the way of submitting a proposal. Yes, you may be in a dry-spell where, no matter what type of job you bid on you just can't seal the deal. This does not mean you should lower your wages or offer extraordinary services for an ordinary job. The industry itself likely is not suffering - it's just you. Even Peyton Manning and Kobe Bryant hit dry spells. Those that truly survive in this business are those that master the bad times.
There are many other things a freelancer can do to ensure a job gets done well and enhance their name in the industry. You are not only a freelancer, but a project manager which itself takes skill to master. Keep your eyes open and be true to yourself. Yet, also know your limitations. More times than not, your clients will become repeat customers if you can take care of the basics.
Tim Trice is an online marketing consultant and website developer based in Houston, Texas. He can help get your business and your website pointed in the right direction. If you are looking for someone to give you an honest opinion on your current website or want to know how to start one, contact him to get a free, no obligation website review and analysis today!
Avoid those slow to respond. People get busy, no doubt. But, I'm amazed at how little some people respond to questions about their job proposals, especially when this involves a brand new website or a redesign. If a client is taking their time to respond to your questions, how do you think it will be when you get the job?
Don't assume the client knows all of the details. I've had several potential clients ask for so-and-so to be done and then appear lost when I ask them questions about their project. Regardless of what type of job you are submitting a proposal, understand you know more than the client does. Ask questions and pick their brains; you are wanting them to teach you something.
Don't settle for less pay. One of the things I love about website development is that I do not have to settle for local jobs. That being said, you must compete with fierce international competition; some of whom will work for 25% or less for what you charge. Know your rate before bidding. Even if it is over budget, send the client a proposal with your bid amount and do a follow-up a few days later. If they're interested, they will respond. You'd be surprised at how much clients under-value work. If no response after the follow-up, consider it lost. Move on.
Don't get in over your head. This almost goes hand-in-hand with #3. When you undervalue yourself to get a job, you undervalue the job. Don't settle for billing $100 to convert a website from Dreamweaver tables to a custom Wordpress theme. At the same time, don't submit a proposal to build an ecommerce system for Macy's either (unless you have the staff to do it).
Offer some enhancements. Do you like receiving bonuses for a good job? So do clients. Doing something for free has its rewards and its downfalls. But, offering a little something the client wasn't expecting can go a long way. If you're writing content, consider submitting it to some article directories or maybe even doing a press release (with the client's permission, of course). Like #2, don't assume your client knows what to do with the excellent product you've provided. Try to give them something that shows measurable benefit to them as a way of saying 'thank you'.
BONUS TIP: Don't let emotions get in the way of submitting a proposal. Yes, you may be in a dry-spell where, no matter what type of job you bid on you just can't seal the deal. This does not mean you should lower your wages or offer extraordinary services for an ordinary job. The industry itself likely is not suffering - it's just you. Even Peyton Manning and Kobe Bryant hit dry spells. Those that truly survive in this business are those that master the bad times.
There are many other things a freelancer can do to ensure a job gets done well and enhance their name in the industry. You are not only a freelancer, but a project manager which itself takes skill to master. Keep your eyes open and be true to yourself. Yet, also know your limitations. More times than not, your clients will become repeat customers if you can take care of the basics.
Tim Trice is an online marketing consultant and website developer based in Houston, Texas. He can help get your business and your website pointed in the right direction. If you are looking for someone to give you an honest opinion on your current website or want to know how to start one, contact him to get a free, no obligation website review and analysis today!
Using Your Talents to Make Money Online Through Freelancing by Kenny Jen
You want to make money and you have a PC and Internet access, but do not know where to start. You do not have much experience but would like to find a part time job. Well good news, there is work out there for you; everyone has talents and this is what will be your ticket to earning an income, how?
Have you ever thought of freelancing? These are sites where you can sign up for free, thousands of employers are looking for part time staff, especially the way the economy is nowadays. All you need to do is, register with them, fill in your skills and abilities and you can start searching for jobs immediately. Basically you will apply for a job by bidding on it, and if successful you will then be chosen and given all the details necessary, payment will vary according to the project and you can then ask them to transfer the funds to you either by bank transfer or cheque.
If you need to make money on the side and have a few hours a day to dedicate, then freelancing may be perfect for you. If you can write several articles an hour, build a website in a day, or design a brochure marketing campaign in a week - you can be guaranteed to make money as a freelancer. Check out some of the sites and see what they have to offer. With great work ethic, strong work samples and the ability to meet deadlines; you could be making money as a freelancer in a matter of hours.
There are thousands of tasks to choose from, ranging from tasks better suited to professionals in those categories. There are also other simple jobs such as data entry, which anyone can do, as long as you are prepared to put in the time. Please keep in mind that you must be prepared to stick to deadlines, but you get to choose the hours you work. The amount of money that you can make will depend on you, and how much time you are prepared to invest. Naturally, once the employers get to know you and the quality of work the more work they will give you thus allowing you to make more money. This is an opportunity that everyone can take advantage of, which will generate some income.
Kenny Jen has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, work at home, and many other more. Check out her latest website in Ipod Shuffle Speakers and Tupperware Catalogue.
Have you ever thought of freelancing? These are sites where you can sign up for free, thousands of employers are looking for part time staff, especially the way the economy is nowadays. All you need to do is, register with them, fill in your skills and abilities and you can start searching for jobs immediately. Basically you will apply for a job by bidding on it, and if successful you will then be chosen and given all the details necessary, payment will vary according to the project and you can then ask them to transfer the funds to you either by bank transfer or cheque.
If you need to make money on the side and have a few hours a day to dedicate, then freelancing may be perfect for you. If you can write several articles an hour, build a website in a day, or design a brochure marketing campaign in a week - you can be guaranteed to make money as a freelancer. Check out some of the sites and see what they have to offer. With great work ethic, strong work samples and the ability to meet deadlines; you could be making money as a freelancer in a matter of hours.
There are thousands of tasks to choose from, ranging from tasks better suited to professionals in those categories. There are also other simple jobs such as data entry, which anyone can do, as long as you are prepared to put in the time. Please keep in mind that you must be prepared to stick to deadlines, but you get to choose the hours you work. The amount of money that you can make will depend on you, and how much time you are prepared to invest. Naturally, once the employers get to know you and the quality of work the more work they will give you thus allowing you to make more money. This is an opportunity that everyone can take advantage of, which will generate some income.
Kenny Jen has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, work at home, and many other more. Check out her latest website in Ipod Shuffle Speakers and Tupperware Catalogue.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Freelancing For Newbies - Learn How to Win Your First Project by Georgi Jivankin
I started to work as a freelancer in the summer of 2006. At that time, I was inexperienced and I didn't know which projects to bid on and how to win them as well. I saw how the big players are getting their projects, copied them and did the same things that they were doing. And as you may guess, I failed. I didn't win a single project for months and that's not because I didn't copied their actions accurately, but because I had not paid enough attention to my own name and presence on the Internet.
If you wish to win your first project fast, you should make a good first impression. The important factor when bidding for a given project is to use a business language instead of jargon. For example, in the message to the project's creator you cannot write: "Hey buddy, I can do it because I have done it before and I know that I can do it you know? Select me because I need the money to pay my bills and you know, I am poor student you know I can do it of course. Please choose me and I'll show ya how I am able to do it." If you write such message, I guarantee you won't find a project for years. You should be polite and use a formal language. You could write something like: "Hello sir, I am a professional graphic designer with 5 years of experience in vector graphics, web design and CSS implementation. I am able to deliver your project in a timely manner and I can assure you that you won't be disappointed. In order to make an educated choice, I advise you to take a look at my extensive portfolio which can be found at Thank you and I am looking forward to working with you."
If you use formal language, good spelling and grammar and you demonstrate your abilities and skills in a well-presented portfolio, you can convince the project's creator to choose you, because you seem to be experienced, professional and trustworthy.
If you use the techniques in this article, your success is almost guaranteed, so don't wait, take my advice and start building your name on the Internet right now.
To further accelerate the process of building your name on the Internet, you could grab a free report written by me, called "How to Become a freelancer". Just go here and grab your copy now: []
Georgi Jivankin is an Internet marketer and a freelancer. He has written a special report for you to read, revealing exactly how to start working as a freelancer. Go here and grab your free copy now: []
If you wish to win your first project fast, you should make a good first impression. The important factor when bidding for a given project is to use a business language instead of jargon. For example, in the message to the project's creator you cannot write: "Hey buddy, I can do it because I have done it before and I know that I can do it you know? Select me because I need the money to pay my bills and you know, I am poor student you know I can do it of course. Please choose me and I'll show ya how I am able to do it." If you write such message, I guarantee you won't find a project for years. You should be polite and use a formal language. You could write something like: "Hello sir, I am a professional graphic designer with 5 years of experience in vector graphics, web design and CSS implementation. I am able to deliver your project in a timely manner and I can assure you that you won't be disappointed. In order to make an educated choice, I advise you to take a look at my extensive portfolio which can be found at Thank you and I am looking forward to working with you."
If you use formal language, good spelling and grammar and you demonstrate your abilities and skills in a well-presented portfolio, you can convince the project's creator to choose you, because you seem to be experienced, professional and trustworthy.
If you use the techniques in this article, your success is almost guaranteed, so don't wait, take my advice and start building your name on the Internet right now.
To further accelerate the process of building your name on the Internet, you could grab a free report written by me, called "How to Become a freelancer". Just go here and grab your copy now: []
Georgi Jivankin is an Internet marketer and a freelancer. He has written a special report for you to read, revealing exactly how to start working as a freelancer. Go here and grab your free copy now: []
Reality Check For Online Freelancing by Michael Wrights
Work in Your Pajamas! Earn a Six-figure Income! If You Can Write a Letter, You Can be a Successful Freelancer!
Oh, boy, I've seen all the hype. Too good to be true? Yep. I really like the six-figure income, it sounds great until you come to realize that two of the 'figures' are on the wrong side of the decimal point.
So, what is online freelancing really like? It's like a job more than it's like an adventure. A job full of trepidation and worry, where you struggle to find useful work at a wage scale you can live on and for a client who isn't out to screw you. After a year and a half of online freelancing, I've seen the landscape - oh, and I've never worked in my pajamas.
The first hurdle is getting an online presence. I currently am signed up with five different broker services. Yes, five. Each has it's upside and downside. But mostly, the multiples are for hunting purposes. To find jobs at a decent pay rate, I have to spend a few hours every day reading and bidding. And bidding isn't just a click or a simple cut and paste operation. To actually get work, clients often demand samples of previous work and a few rounds of discussion. I checked my 'win' rate at elance recently - I'm at 17%. I actually get about 1 in 6 jobs I apply for. And that is considered a high rate. At oDesk and GetaFreelancer and RentaCoder, my statistics are much worse. So, half the day is shot pursuing work. That leaves a few hours of actual writing (if there is work).
What happens is this: without work you begin to take on anything at all, even really low-ball jobs, just to get some money coming in. You find out quickly (especially if you are based in a first-world economy) that people who live in countries with a very low cost of living have a price advantage. I would starve working for $1 an hour, but there are places in the world where that is decent money. After a 18 months of 'working the system' I pull in about $200 a week, and that is with an excellent reputation at multiple freelance sites. $200 a week isn't enough to live on, and I keep a second job to make ends meet.
There are no vacation days, no healthcare, and no 401K. The instant you quit hustling, the money stops. It's great when an occasional good project comes along, but these are few and far between - the market is saturated with freelancers, all competing for the same small paycheck. And, unfortunately, when you are burned by an unethical buyer, you have no recourse. And of course, each freelance site further chips away at your income by collecting various fees.
All in all, it's more of a hobby than a paying career. If someone is truly interested in the writing game (or programming or other freelance category) I'd recommend getting a degree and a solid resume and do it for a paycheck instead of constantly struggling to make minimum wage.
Michael Wrights owns and authors webJestic.NET
Oh, boy, I've seen all the hype. Too good to be true? Yep. I really like the six-figure income, it sounds great until you come to realize that two of the 'figures' are on the wrong side of the decimal point.
So, what is online freelancing really like? It's like a job more than it's like an adventure. A job full of trepidation and worry, where you struggle to find useful work at a wage scale you can live on and for a client who isn't out to screw you. After a year and a half of online freelancing, I've seen the landscape - oh, and I've never worked in my pajamas.
The first hurdle is getting an online presence. I currently am signed up with five different broker services. Yes, five. Each has it's upside and downside. But mostly, the multiples are for hunting purposes. To find jobs at a decent pay rate, I have to spend a few hours every day reading and bidding. And bidding isn't just a click or a simple cut and paste operation. To actually get work, clients often demand samples of previous work and a few rounds of discussion. I checked my 'win' rate at elance recently - I'm at 17%. I actually get about 1 in 6 jobs I apply for. And that is considered a high rate. At oDesk and GetaFreelancer and RentaCoder, my statistics are much worse. So, half the day is shot pursuing work. That leaves a few hours of actual writing (if there is work).
What happens is this: without work you begin to take on anything at all, even really low-ball jobs, just to get some money coming in. You find out quickly (especially if you are based in a first-world economy) that people who live in countries with a very low cost of living have a price advantage. I would starve working for $1 an hour, but there are places in the world where that is decent money. After a 18 months of 'working the system' I pull in about $200 a week, and that is with an excellent reputation at multiple freelance sites. $200 a week isn't enough to live on, and I keep a second job to make ends meet.
There are no vacation days, no healthcare, and no 401K. The instant you quit hustling, the money stops. It's great when an occasional good project comes along, but these are few and far between - the market is saturated with freelancers, all competing for the same small paycheck. And, unfortunately, when you are burned by an unethical buyer, you have no recourse. And of course, each freelance site further chips away at your income by collecting various fees.
All in all, it's more of a hobby than a paying career. If someone is truly interested in the writing game (or programming or other freelance category) I'd recommend getting a degree and a solid resume and do it for a paycheck instead of constantly struggling to make minimum wage.
Michael Wrights owns and authors webJestic.NET
Why Plan Your Career In Reverse?
It is estimated that more than 90% of people do not deliberately plan a career path. Following school, most of us take whatever job is available and begin our life work. Many follow work related to what parents or other family members have done while others follow the route taken by friends and associates. These haphazard methods seldom lead to optimal career development. Why is this?
Dr. Powe's new book, Career Planning and Development--In Reverse, presents a systems approach to career planning and development. The systems approach to problem solving has been used in many disciplines and is a proven technique to achieve optimal results. The basis of the systems approach is that every element of a situation or problem is interrelated to every other element. Thus, proper and effective planning must consider all of the associated interrelationships. The book offers a detailed twelve-step planning process for achieving a positive contributing life.
Step 1. Retirement Planning.
Most of us look forward to the day when we don't have to set the clock and be at a certain place at a certain time designated by someone else. The desired retirement life style impacts the amount of money needed in retirement. Will you be content to drive a clunker car, participate in non-expensive recreational activities, and risk not having supplemental health insurance or will you want frequent travel, live in an exclusive retirement community, and assure the best of health care through additional insurance?
Step 2. How Much Money In Retirement?
Many people are surprised to learn that a retirement income equivalent to 65-85 percent of the income at the time of retirement is required to maintain the same standard of living in retirement that was enjoyed while working. A minimum of one million dollars (2010 dollars) is needed. The thought of saving one million dollars over one's working life is daunting at first thought, but with proper planning, is entirely feasible for most of the population. Most noncontributory pension plans are gone. Now, most individuals are totally responsible to earn the retirement income through 401k, Social Security, inheritance, and other savings plans. The foregoing few words should be enough to convince you that planning your career in reverse starting with retirement income needs is the way to go.
Step 3. Who Am I? Every person is an individual--is unique.
We have a genetic tie to our parents, but each of us is a different person with marvelous talents, interests, and characteristics. In this step, one should formally define personality, religious preferences, ethics and values, interests, skills, experiences, knowledges, and learning capabilities. Often, we do not know what these talents and interests are as related to the workplace.
Step 4. Work Requirements.
Once you know your retirement requirements and who you are, it is time to learn what work is about. There are many ways to earn a living with varying degrees of desirability and income. We tend to perform better at tasks in which we have an interest so the job selected should be related to something of interest. Usually, high paying jobs have undesirable characteristics such as frequent travel, extensive time away from home, high mental and/or physical stress, and hazardous working environments.
Step 5. Who Am I versus Job Opportunities.
You should make a list of jobs that meet your requirements and match "who you are" to them. Quite a lot of research is required to make the match between retirement requirements and "who you are." For example, you should know whether or not a job category demand is increasing or decreasing. It would not be wise to start a career in a field that will become obsolete by technology in a few years.
Step 6. Job Search.
Although searching the Internet is useful, networking is still the most effective method of securing a job offer. You should have developed a comprehensive network through social and professional activities. In addition, if you were fortunate enough to have mentors along the way, they can help as well.
Step 7. Select Opportunities.
You will find that there will be many career fields that match your retirement requirements and "who you are." Make and evaluate a list of the opportunities that could satisfy your requirements.
Step 8. Write Resume.
The purpose of the resume is to secure an interview. Each resume must be tailored to each specific opportunity. Have someone else proof read the final copy.
Step 9. Interview.
If the resume has served its purpose, you will be offered several interviews. Prior to the interview, research everything you can find about the company. You should know its management, organization, products or services, and competition well enough to be spontaneous in conversations with the people conducting the interviews. It is expected that you will "put your best foot forward," but never lie about anything. Keep in mind that you are on exhibition from the moment you drive into the parking lot until the time you leave the parking lot. Don't assume anything—everything rests on the initial and follow up interviews.
Step 10. Negotiate Offer.
If the interviews went well, you may be made a formal offer in writing. Negotiation is a delicate issue. Some companies will withdraw an offer if you try to negotiate. Intelligence on the company's hiring practices is helpful, but difficult to determine.
Step 11. Job Performance.
Finally, you are on the payroll. You are in the door. Now the real test begins. Do you have a "can do" attitude toward any task, menial or otherwise? Keeping a job and being competitive for promotion are very directly related to how well you perform every task. Every job has less desirable tasks that must be performed. Make certain that you perform every task with enthusiasm and vigor. Be willing to study on your own time to become better qualified.
Step 12. Contributing Life.
From my perspective, success in life should be measured by the contributions one makes in the workplace, home, and in the performance of civic responsibilities.
This article has been a brief snapshot of the material to be found in "Career Planning and Development--In Reverse." The book includes 115 current references and many illustrating examples from personal experience. It is Published by Outskirts Press, Inc. and distributed via Ingram, Baker & Taylor. It is sold by, Barnes and Noble, Outskirts Press, Inc. and bookstores and is available in paperback, eBook and Kindle formats. For more information, please visit .
Dr. Powe's new book, Career Planning and Development--In Reverse, presents a systems approach to career planning and development. The systems approach to problem solving has been used in many disciplines and is a proven technique to achieve optimal results. The basis of the systems approach is that every element of a situation or problem is interrelated to every other element. Thus, proper and effective planning must consider all of the associated interrelationships. The book offers a detailed twelve-step planning process for achieving a positive contributing life.
Step 1. Retirement Planning.
Most of us look forward to the day when we don't have to set the clock and be at a certain place at a certain time designated by someone else. The desired retirement life style impacts the amount of money needed in retirement. Will you be content to drive a clunker car, participate in non-expensive recreational activities, and risk not having supplemental health insurance or will you want frequent travel, live in an exclusive retirement community, and assure the best of health care through additional insurance?
Step 2. How Much Money In Retirement?
Many people are surprised to learn that a retirement income equivalent to 65-85 percent of the income at the time of retirement is required to maintain the same standard of living in retirement that was enjoyed while working. A minimum of one million dollars (2010 dollars) is needed. The thought of saving one million dollars over one's working life is daunting at first thought, but with proper planning, is entirely feasible for most of the population. Most noncontributory pension plans are gone. Now, most individuals are totally responsible to earn the retirement income through 401k, Social Security, inheritance, and other savings plans. The foregoing few words should be enough to convince you that planning your career in reverse starting with retirement income needs is the way to go.
Step 3. Who Am I? Every person is an individual--is unique.
We have a genetic tie to our parents, but each of us is a different person with marvelous talents, interests, and characteristics. In this step, one should formally define personality, religious preferences, ethics and values, interests, skills, experiences, knowledges, and learning capabilities. Often, we do not know what these talents and interests are as related to the workplace.
Step 4. Work Requirements.
Once you know your retirement requirements and who you are, it is time to learn what work is about. There are many ways to earn a living with varying degrees of desirability and income. We tend to perform better at tasks in which we have an interest so the job selected should be related to something of interest. Usually, high paying jobs have undesirable characteristics such as frequent travel, extensive time away from home, high mental and/or physical stress, and hazardous working environments.
Step 5. Who Am I versus Job Opportunities.
You should make a list of jobs that meet your requirements and match "who you are" to them. Quite a lot of research is required to make the match between retirement requirements and "who you are." For example, you should know whether or not a job category demand is increasing or decreasing. It would not be wise to start a career in a field that will become obsolete by technology in a few years.
Step 6. Job Search.
Although searching the Internet is useful, networking is still the most effective method of securing a job offer. You should have developed a comprehensive network through social and professional activities. In addition, if you were fortunate enough to have mentors along the way, they can help as well.
Step 7. Select Opportunities.
You will find that there will be many career fields that match your retirement requirements and "who you are." Make and evaluate a list of the opportunities that could satisfy your requirements.
Step 8. Write Resume.
The purpose of the resume is to secure an interview. Each resume must be tailored to each specific opportunity. Have someone else proof read the final copy.
Step 9. Interview.
If the resume has served its purpose, you will be offered several interviews. Prior to the interview, research everything you can find about the company. You should know its management, organization, products or services, and competition well enough to be spontaneous in conversations with the people conducting the interviews. It is expected that you will "put your best foot forward," but never lie about anything. Keep in mind that you are on exhibition from the moment you drive into the parking lot until the time you leave the parking lot. Don't assume anything—everything rests on the initial and follow up interviews.
Step 10. Negotiate Offer.
If the interviews went well, you may be made a formal offer in writing. Negotiation is a delicate issue. Some companies will withdraw an offer if you try to negotiate. Intelligence on the company's hiring practices is helpful, but difficult to determine.
Step 11. Job Performance.
Finally, you are on the payroll. You are in the door. Now the real test begins. Do you have a "can do" attitude toward any task, menial or otherwise? Keeping a job and being competitive for promotion are very directly related to how well you perform every task. Every job has less desirable tasks that must be performed. Make certain that you perform every task with enthusiasm and vigor. Be willing to study on your own time to become better qualified.
Step 12. Contributing Life.
From my perspective, success in life should be measured by the contributions one makes in the workplace, home, and in the performance of civic responsibilities.
This article has been a brief snapshot of the material to be found in "Career Planning and Development--In Reverse." The book includes 115 current references and many illustrating examples from personal experience. It is Published by Outskirts Press, Inc. and distributed via Ingram, Baker & Taylor. It is sold by, Barnes and Noble, Outskirts Press, Inc. and bookstores and is available in paperback, eBook and Kindle formats. For more information, please visit .
How to Make Money Online
If you've ever thought that it's possible to get rich quick on the internet, you're wrong. It's wrong because every over-night success story that will happen about the internet has already happened.
Think about it, who has made a fortune from doing something with the internet? The people who created Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Ebay, Myspace, Youtube etc, etc. Getting the picture yet? The only way that you can make money on the internet, is if you discover a new use for the internet, a new way to enjoy the internet. If your idea becomes a household name, then you'll make money.
When the internet first came into creation, there were plenty of gaps in the market for making money online, as very few people had the inclination or the ability to develop ideas for using the internet. Nowadays, millions of people rely on the internet for their income. With millions or billions of users online every day, do you really think that there's an easy way to take their money with no real effort or ability? Of course there isn't. If there was, we'd all be millionaires right now.
There are some really big players on the internet these days. Google, Microsoft etc. If there's a gap in the market, believe me, they've got thousands of guys working on it right now. What you need to do is find a new way to help people buy things, sell things, watch things, find things, talk to each other, find each other. These are the things that people pay to use the internet for. If you can bring them a revolutionary way of doing one of these things, then you really might be on to something.
Mark Zuckerberg, one of the founders of Facebook, is now worth $4billion. Did he have a get-rich-quick scheme? No. He had a simple idea that he thought would help people. It was an original idea that with a combination of talent and hard work grew and grew and grew. When trying to think of an idea, don't think; ‘how can I make money?' instead, think; ‘how can I use the internet to help people and improve their lives?' If your only interest is money, your idea will show this.
So ignore spurious-looking adverts on the internet saying; 'I made thousands of dollars on Ebay/Google, send me $34.95 and I'll show you how you can too.' These are scams that prey on the desperate and ignorant. If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. There is no get-rich-quick idea out there, and if there is, then it usually involves scamming someone, and that's no way to live your life.
If all else fails, become a freelance writer. Show a company that you have a strong writing background and lots of ability and they will pay you to sit at home and write stuff for them. This is the best way to make money online.
Think about it, who has made a fortune from doing something with the internet? The people who created Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Ebay, Myspace, Youtube etc, etc. Getting the picture yet? The only way that you can make money on the internet, is if you discover a new use for the internet, a new way to enjoy the internet. If your idea becomes a household name, then you'll make money.
When the internet first came into creation, there were plenty of gaps in the market for making money online, as very few people had the inclination or the ability to develop ideas for using the internet. Nowadays, millions of people rely on the internet for their income. With millions or billions of users online every day, do you really think that there's an easy way to take their money with no real effort or ability? Of course there isn't. If there was, we'd all be millionaires right now.
There are some really big players on the internet these days. Google, Microsoft etc. If there's a gap in the market, believe me, they've got thousands of guys working on it right now. What you need to do is find a new way to help people buy things, sell things, watch things, find things, talk to each other, find each other. These are the things that people pay to use the internet for. If you can bring them a revolutionary way of doing one of these things, then you really might be on to something.
Mark Zuckerberg, one of the founders of Facebook, is now worth $4billion. Did he have a get-rich-quick scheme? No. He had a simple idea that he thought would help people. It was an original idea that with a combination of talent and hard work grew and grew and grew. When trying to think of an idea, don't think; ‘how can I make money?' instead, think; ‘how can I use the internet to help people and improve their lives?' If your only interest is money, your idea will show this.
So ignore spurious-looking adverts on the internet saying; 'I made thousands of dollars on Ebay/Google, send me $34.95 and I'll show you how you can too.' These are scams that prey on the desperate and ignorant. If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. There is no get-rich-quick idea out there, and if there is, then it usually involves scamming someone, and that's no way to live your life.
If all else fails, become a freelance writer. Show a company that you have a strong writing background and lots of ability and they will pay you to sit at home and write stuff for them. This is the best way to make money online.
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