Sunday, November 9, 2008

What the Heck is Web 2.0 Exactly?

Web 2.0 is all the rave. What is it? How did it come about? Where is it going? It sounds like a software program or some highly technological aspect that is getting ready to make its debut does it not? Well, in actuality it is neither of these. Web 2.0 is nothing more than some tools and ideas working together to make the internet a more user friendly and easier world to maneuver. Think about all of the new ideas to come to the internet in the last few years.

This whole concept may include AJAX, social bookmarking, RSS feeds, tags, and blogs. Of course, this does not even begin to encompass the whole concept of web 2.0, but it does give you a relatively good idea. Each and every day, we use Web 2.0 as a whole. With all of the media, graphic intensive websites, and the ease of use, you are experiencing the technology with everything you do, without even knowing it.

There was a web 1.0, a long time ago in "internet years" that is. Really, think about the "old" internet and the "new" internet, which is known as web 2.0. What could you really do? With 1.0, websites were static, they were not attractive in terms of the latest in interactive and animated websites with 2.0. With Web 2.0, updates are as regular and necessary as the sun coming up each day, with 1.0 updates were extremely rare for websites of any nature. Now, let us compare some of the differences, to give you a better picture.

Comparing Web 1.0 with Web 2.0

With Web 1.0 if you really wanted to look something up, you had something similar to an online dictionary. You could look up a definition, but that was about the extent of it. With Web 2.0, you have the concept of Wikipedia, which provides you deep and intuitive information submitted directly by other users. This is so much more than just a simple definition, this is an entire history or background of virtually any topic.

With Web 1.0, you essentially had personal websites. They were not updated all that frequently and they essentially did not do a whole lot. With Web 2.0, blogging is the latest and greatest. Blogging is used as both a personal journal and for business purposes at the same time. Gaining more traffic and more interest than ever before.

With Web 1.0, many webmasters relied upon page views to determine traffic. Now with Web 2.0, cost per click or pay per click are doing the traffic work. Page views are no longer essential in understanding the amount of traffic your website receives. The amount you pay per click is now the best indicator.

Before, if you wanted the news, you had to go looking for it. RSS feeds now do that for you automatically and delivers it directly to you. Many websites have automatic RSS feeds that you can choose to receive and there are one stop type of shops that allow you to sign up for many different feeds at the same time, so you can avoid having to search for the news and headlines.

Tagging is also a Web 2.0 technology. Tags allow users to search for specific items and information that they are looking for. It really simplifies the internet for users everywhere. When a person makes a post on a blog or social bookmarking websites, they can identify tags. When a user searches for these tags, they will find the posts that relate to their search terms.

Essentially, Web 2.0 just makes the internet a more user friendly and easier place to work, play, shop, and research. Now that you know how Web 1.0 has evolved to Web 2.0, where is it going from here?

Seeking Web 3.0

No one can really predict the future of the internet. It is too impossible to tell, however, there are some standards and paths that can lead us in the right direction for predictions. There are so many possibilities for the future of the internet that it is extremely hard to predict. Many people are leaning towards artificial intelligence for the internet. They are also suggesting that computer graphics will become more advanced, web applications will become modular, and internet speeds will increase with web 3.0.

People expect that Web 3.0 will bring innovative ways to build applications. They will be smaller and have the ability to run on multiple devices. Then there is always those who believe that the entire internet will become three dimensional.

There are many different ideas on how Web 3.0 will develop from Web 2.0. It is anyone's guess and as the internet continues to evolve, the Web of any "version" will become smarter, more interactive, and easier to use with each passing year. The growth of the internet since its birth has been enormous and there is still a lot of room for more growth and potential.
