Monday, August 3, 2009

Freelancing - The Fastest Way to Become Self Employed on a Small Budget by John Purfield

The biggest excuse I hear from people is they don't have a lot of money to become self employed. While money (if used properly) can help speed up business growth, hard work and persistence is really the key. This can be true if you're a freelancer.

The good thing is freelancing is it's a great way to start your own business with out spending a lot. You really need is your skills and a desire to get clients. Here are a few things you can do to launch your freelancing business without breaking the bank.

Get your resume and portfolio together. Taking the time to build your own resume and portfolio of your work can do wonders for your mind set. It's a good exercise in helping you define the market you want to service. You'll need these for the next items mentioned below.

Get the word out. Call your contacts. You want to let people know what you are doing. The best way to do this is start with your contacts. Make a short call to them explaining what you do. Ask if anyone may is interested to let you know. In fact, you never know if they happen to have a project for you.

Get the word out again. Look for projects on freelancing or job sites. Find one site where you can bid for freelancing projects or you can look on job sites for temporary consulting assignments. Some sites charge a small fee to give you the opportunity to set up a profile and bid on desirable projects.

While there are a lot of things you can do to get freelancing work, the best thing to do is focus on yourself first. to help you decide the markets you want to service.

With this approach, you can refine your niche and learn potential clients needs before you spend a lot of money on marketing that you may not need.

Finding out more about how to become self employed is easy.
Click here for my free report to help you get started.